
The influence of your life values

I attended a business seminar today where the presenter said he only accepts clients that align with his values. We all have values that we live by without even realizing. Have you ever thought about what your values are? Some of these may have evolved or changed over time due to the different experiences you have had during your life journey while some may have remained the same.

Take a moment to think about your values and how they define you. It will help you navigate through your life journey and face the obstacles that come your way. In order to achieve spiritual wellness, we must focus on our positive values and be thoughtful of how we affect others by our words or deeds.

Spiritual wellness may be defined as being aligned with your values, morals and ethics in your actions. It is something that keeps you rooted, provides you meaning in your life and gives you hope in adversity. Spiritual does not necessarily mean religious, although some people may use prayers or other religious discourse to achieve spiritual wellness. When we are in harmony with ourselves and with people around us then we have attained good spiritual wellness. 

The better your spiritual wellness, the easier it is for you to find your purpose in life. “Purpose in life” is that which extends beyond yourself for the greater good. It is referred to as “Ikigai” by the Japanese, “Raison d’etre” by the French and “Eudaimonia” by the Greek. Essentially, it gives you a reason to be happy, to keep going and has a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.

In order to improve your spiritual wellness, you can engage in several activities that make you feel contented such as meditation, nature walks, sending a thank you note, journaling, feeling grateful, community service, yoga and even listening to music that gives you a sense of calm.

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